Exhibitions News

Michael Waight

Michael Waight is the Master Printer at Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen and a Visiting Lecturer at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, University of Dundee. We will be showing some of Michaels recent constructions and prints.

italian garden 4

Exhibitions News

Jessica Briggs

Coming soon…… Stunning new jewellery by Jessica Briggs……..

jess four

Exhibitions News

Deirdre Hawthorne

Coming soon…….. Deirdre Hawthorne ceramics…… more information soon!disappearing

Exhibitions News

Hole Editions

Also for our Winter exhibitions we are for the first time going to be showing a selection of lithographic prints from Hole Editions who are based in Newcastle, have a look at their website for more information about what they do and whose works they edition.

Hole Editions

Exhibitions News

SILVERHUB jewellery

We are delighted that the Edinburgh based jewellery studios SILVERHUB will be joining us for our winter show that runs up until Christmas. They are Lisa Arnott, Tracy Wilson, Jacqueline Bell, Rhona Petrie, Fiona Luing & Eleanor Symms.


Exhibitions News


We are delighted that one of our gallery artists and fellow SpeKtrum Collective member Jessica Crisp is going to have an exhibition of New Works starting in early October 2013. Watch out for more information about the show as it gets nearer. Here is a taste!

Jessica Crisp New Works